Over the years, we have expanded our proprietary products and market them under several registered trademarks, including Changkang Brand(嫦江牌), Heaven Star Brand(星城牌) and Tongshan Brand(唐珊牌). As we manufacture our own line of products, we are able to maintain consistency and quality that are recognized in our brands. Our popular products are Zhen Jing San ( 镇惊散) and Bao Ying Dan (保婴丹) for Infant Health; cough mixture (止咳露) and Pi Pa Gao(枇杷膏)for relief of Cough and Sore Throat; Du Zhong Jing (杜仲精) for strengthening and relief of sore back and Ginseng and Cordycep Extract (虫草泡参精) for General Health; and Bai Feng Wan (白凤丸)for Woman Health. They can found in well established Chinese medical halls.
Positive feedback from new and loyal customers has reaffirmed our commitment to quality and safe TCM products.
Positive feedback from new and loyal customers has reaffirmed our commitment to quality and safe TCM products.